Le Petit Weekend: How to Escape Like the French

WeekendBienvenue spring, at last! In addition to fashion-friendly milder temps, le printemps also brings a renewed sense of energy and zest for life, making it the perfect time for Le Petit Weekend. Translated as “the little weekend,” short springtime getaways are as natural to the French as butter is to the croissant. Perhaps it’s the abundance of “jours fériés” (national holidays), or just a desire to escape after a long winter, but this time of year, the French start fleeing to cozy corners of France and beyond.

I wholeheartedly support Le Petit Weekend, with a mission of discovering someplace different. Even better, I always return invigorated and with a renewed appreciation for home.

Like most things French, Le Petit Weekend is a bit of an art. Here are 5 unspoken rules for getting away “à la française”:

  1. Keep It Simple. Resist the urge to over-plan. You don’t need an elaborate or expensive trip to reap the benefits of a getaway. French people mostly vacation in France, taking in the warm breezes of the Cote d’Azur or the rolling landscapes of wine country. In fact, you could explore anywhere, even a town within an hour or two, at a charming B&B. The simpler it is, the more freedom you have, the more pleasure you get from Le Petit Weekend.
  1. Be Spontaneous. Jet-setting on a whim can be wildly liberating, plus it gives you a chance to peek at the upcoming weather before making plans. Pas de soleil? Pas de probleme! (No sun? No problem!) We’ll go next weekend!
  1. Make It a “Weekend des Amoureux” (For Lovers): As rewarding as it may be to enjoy a family excursion, there is something to be said for a getaway “sans les enfants” (without children). The French truly value this precious time “en amoureux.” Not only will it recharge your romance, you’ll return home relaxed and refreshed for your children.
  1. Pack Light, but Chic. Leave the frills at home. Your weekender bag should be easy to carry (and easy to close) and filled with chic essentials: outfits that translate from day to night, a fabulous scarf, stylish, comfortable walking shoes, and some lacy lingerie (it doesn’t take up much room). For more, read: “Le Weekend Getaway Lingerie.”
  1. Fais Toi Plaisir. This is one of my favorite expressions, and it loosely translates as “treat yourself” or “make yourself happy.” Put simply, this is about enjoying life’s little indulgences. Wherever you go, disconnect from your Monday to Friday routine, and enjoy the freedom of a carefree weekend.

Bon voyage!